Shadow Kevin for a Day
(Consulting & Real Estate Expertise w/ Jet Experience)

Shadow Kevin as he shows you how he buys real estate in various markets. Travel from Camarillo, CA is included - so if we need to get to Utah or Texas or Northern California, this travel is INCLUDED. All travel is free from Camarillo, CA as incidental to shadowing Kevin for real estate experience for one person. MUST purchase +1 bundle to bring another person.

What to Expect

Our travel days tend to start early, so be prepared to be ready to go in Camarillo or Ventura, California by 7:45 a.m.

Depending on the location of the real estate market we're heading to, our day may be 6-10 hours long. So prepare for a day that could be quite variable in length.

If we travel anywhere, we will handle any transportation required to get you where Kevin is going to complete your shadow experience. This may include flying in a Phenom 300e, riding in a Cybertruck, and/or joining Kevin in a business sprinter van. Travel is incidental to your shadowing experience and is included at 0 charge. Shadows cannot request destinations and have no control over travel.

There may be other shadows with us. There's generally plenty of time to chat with and consult with Kevin, but know that these are not exclusively private experiences, though they are small-group.

Travel lightly and be prepared for different climates. Do not bring more than a backpack and ensure you bring warm clothing during winter months as we may be heading to snowy terrain.

Unsolicited Review by a REAL Shadow:


Kevin cannot provide licensed personalized advice to you for legal, tax, or financial situations. Kevin may consult with you and discuss your business, plans, or ideas with you as well as explain his real estate strategies and teach from an educational point of view, providing perspectives and options. Ultimately, each individual must review what's best for them with their personal advisors. Traveling includes risk. If you're uncomfortable flying, check to see what travel is planned for your shadow day by emailing [email protected]. Once you checkout, email [email protected] to schedule your shadowing experience.